For those of you joining me on this Lenten journey and choosing to work on your Meditation Pillar, here is a little information and some options to consider.
The Meditation Pillar is any activity that keeps our attention for a period of time. For example, scrolling down facebook engages our M Pillar, as well as watching a movie; however, there are many other more wholesome M Pillar practices, and Lent is a great opportunity to use our M Pillar on purpose to increase our devotion to Our Lord.
Below are some options to choose from. This is a personal journey so choose what you feel will serve you best. Choose to work on the Meditation Pillar for one week or the whole 40 days with the goal of making these practices part of your life in one way or another.
God bless,
Pray the Holy Rosary
Sit in Silence for 10-20 min a day
Read a Passage of Sacred Scripture then sit in silence for 10-20 min
Bath meditation 10-30 min (soak in the tub with incense, candles, soft music)
Adoration 1 hour
Take a walk mediation (walk with intention)
Tea or coffee in silence
Also, be sure to click below and download your free Lenten Planner 2021